Sunday, July 24, 2011


Our Summer has been full of visitors!

Ira's parents came to visit at the beginning of July. Kind-of for two reasons. 

1. Miss Chelsea Ann made the decision to become a member of 
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and be Baptized. 


2.  A fishing trip to Flaming Gorge. 

My MIL decided to head home a little early. She felt like she needed to be home.

Good thing too. They have this little dog Bear who's had some health problems. The vet told them it was just a matter of time so enjoy the time they have with him.
Well A few days after she went home Bear died. So sad, he was two years old and just had a lot of health issues. I feel that she was impressed to go home for that reason. 

I was sad she didn't go camping with us but glad she listened to that feeling she had!

The FIL was here for another week. We headed to Flaming Gorge at the end of the week!

1 comment:

Amy said...

awww tell her sorry for me!! that is so sad!!